Partner with the Great Commission Mission

The Mission

Be a Part of the Furtherance of the Gospel

At the Great Commission Mission, we understand the gravity of the task. As we eagerly anticipate Christ’s imminent return, we are on a mission to reach the world through the Great Commission, sharing the transformative message of the Gospel. We recognize that time is of the essence, and to fulfill this divine mandate before Christ’s return, we must accelerate our efforts.

What is an Accelerator?

Accelerators are the heartbeat of our mission and come in the form of dedicated individuals, churches, and businesses. These passionate people play a pivotal role in quickening the motion of the Great Commission in three distinct ways:

  1. Prayer: As an Accelerator, you become integral to our mission’s prayer network. You will receive real-time updates and live prayer needs from the mission field. Stay connected to the very pulse of our mission through prayer.

  2. Participation: Accelerators do not just watch from the sidelines; they actively engage in the Great Commission right where they are. Whether by reaching your Jerusalem, or by joining one of our missions trips, you can be a hands-on participant in fulfilling the Great Commission.

  3. Partnership: Accelerators understand the importance of financial support. By partnering with us and contributing a minimum of $10 each month, you become an essential part of our mission’s acceleration. Your generous investment enables us to provide crucial training and materials for churches worldwide.

Your help

Why Partner with the Great Commission Mission?

Partnering with the Great Commission Mission is an opportunity to make an eternal impact.

With the return of Christ on the horizon, the urgency to fulfill the Great Commission has never been greater.

Accelerators are individuals, churches, and businesses who understand the significance of this moment in history and are committed to making a tangible difference.

By becoming an Accelerator, you actively participate in the mission through prayer, hands-on involvement, or financial support.

You are not just a supporter but a crucial participant in the mission to spread the Gospel and change lives. Moreover, you join a global community of like-minded believers, ensuring that your partnership contributes to lasting change in communities worldwide.

As an Accelerator, you mobilize resources, enabling the Great Commission Mission to provide training, resources, and support to churches worldwide.

Ultimately, your partnership aligns with Christ’s command to go and make disciples of all nations, which will produce a profound and everlasting impact on the world. Join us as an Accelerator and be part of a movement that is changing lives, impacting eternity, and fulfilling Christ’s command.

Your involvement as an Accelerator directly and profoundly impacts lives. You become a catalyst for transforming hearts and reaching the lost with the message of salvation.

With Christ's return drawing near, every moment counts. Accelerators understand the urgency and are committed to making each moment count in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Join a community of like-minded believers who share your passion and commitment to spreading the Gospel. Together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone.

Become a Partner

Become an Accelerator for the Great Commission Mission

Partner with us and become an Accelerator today. Your involvement will change lives and get the Gospel to your Jerusalem.

Together, we can accelerate the Great Commission Mission and be a part of a movement that is changing lives and impacting eternity!

Every dollar that comes into the Great Commission Mission goes toward the following:

  1. Materials & Training: Funds received will provide copies of Greatly Commissioned & the soulwinning training manual Won by One to national pastors and their people. 

  2. Translating Books: We are working to get the Greatly Commissioned book & Won by One training manuals translated into as many languages as possible. In doing so, this will enable the Great Commission Mission to provide a plethora of countries and communities with training and materials that may be otherwise unavailable to them.

  3. Shipping to National Pastors: Your donation also helps send books and materials to pastors worldwide.

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